About Me

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I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom who loves to create like so many others. I love photography, boutiques, high heel shoes and rockin my soap box in those 5 inch stilettos. That usually gets me in trouble but I can't help it, it's what i'm good at I guess. I love running (only time you'll see me in flats), book making, journaling and blogging OBVIOUSLY! I'm a mother of two, Big O and Little Miss Violet. They are the loves of my life and the reason I love doing what I do. I have the most amazing and ever supportive husband who has been with me through the dark and the light, thick and thin, good and bad and so on and so on. He's my rock and I LOVE him!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


BDG. A concept taught to me by my sister who I love and respect. She's a Yoga instructor and a very good one. I believe this was an idea taught to her in one of her classes. The idea is to speak out loud three things. The first is to Brag about something in your life, something personal to you, something about YOU. The next things is to say out loud something that you Desire, whatever it is that you've been wanting lately, spiritually, physically, materialistically. The final thing is to say out loud something you are Grateful for. This is such a good way to bond as a group when the setting is right or to start your day off with a full heart and with intention of making your desires come to fruition. Saying them out loud has a much more dramatic effect on the body than just thinking them in your head. I try and do this with my family as often as I remember. The answers can be the same or different every time. You shouldn't have to think too long about the answers. In the beginning this might be difficult for you but after a few times, the answers should flow easily. You can comment on your BDG for the day or just hear mine. Here goes.

B= I love my long thick dark hair
D= I desire to be less fearful in my daily life, I don't want to feel held back by fears, fears relating to my children and to my personal growth and advancement.
G= I am grateful for a healthy mind that can push my body to be stronger and healthier.

I hope this inspires just one of you and I hope you share the concept with others. If not, i've done mine for the day so my day can start off aimed in the right direction.


Photo is: Praying Hands statue in Webb City, Missouri

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