About Me

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I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom who loves to create like so many others. I love photography, boutiques, high heel shoes and rockin my soap box in those 5 inch stilettos. That usually gets me in trouble but I can't help it, it's what i'm good at I guess. I love running (only time you'll see me in flats), book making, journaling and blogging OBVIOUSLY! I'm a mother of two, Big O and Little Miss Violet. They are the loves of my life and the reason I love doing what I do. I have the most amazing and ever supportive husband who has been with me through the dark and the light, thick and thin, good and bad and so on and so on. He's my rock and I LOVE him!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

* Crazy or Genius

Tell me what you think, Crazy or Brilliant??